Mind Builder Coaching

90 Days Path To Professional Excellence

Areas of Specialization

About My 90 Days Path To Professional Excellence Coaching Services

If you want to stand out in your career, learn how to become really valuable in the job market. Today, just meeting the requirements of your job is no longer enough to ensure professional success. To truly thrive and make an impact, you must stand out in your profession and that requires more than just technical skills, it demands a combination of mastering your own psychology, your mind, adaptability to change, setting goals and action.

Even if you want to transform your business and make it very successful, financially sustainable and, beat the competition you have to master a winning mind. In this 90-day program, you’ll be empowered with the tools, strategies mindset, and habits needed to excel in your chosen field

90 Days Path To Professional Excellence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about 90 Days Path To Professional Excellence

It’s a 6 session coaching program that offers a structured and personalized approach to unlock your full potential and achieve excellence in your career and business. Through a self-assessment, skill development plan, confidence building and strategic action, and execution plan, you will have all you need to make an impact in your professional life

The 90-Day Coaching Program stands apart from other coaching programs for its intensive focus on achieving accelerated results within a concise timeframe. Unlike longer-term programs, the 90-day format is designed to drive tangible progress and transformation in a relatively short period. This program employs a strategic and goal-oriented approach, emphasizing specific, measurable, and time-bound objectives.

Absolute clarity on professional and business vision. More confidence in career navigation and decision making in your business Use of your distinctive skills and talents to generate revenue and work at a more efficient level Move past insecurity and fears to achieve the level of success you desired.

Remember to get results you have to be committed to being held accountable, showing up 100% for each session, and be willing to break out of your comfort zone.

Bi-weekly (every two weeks) coaching sessions. More details in the process section below.

Individuals that struggle with the confidence to put themselves out there and create a successful business.

This program is for the people who are ready to take giant leaps toward the career and business of their dreams, and individuals transitioning into a higher level role and reaching high performance.

My Coaching Methodology & Process

What the 90 Days Path To Professional Excellence Coaching Can Do For You & The Process

Phase 1: Self-Assessment, Define your leadership and performance goals

The first step of the coaching program involves gaining absolute clarity about your business and career goals. Through private coaching sessions, we'll partner together to understand your aspirations, strengths, identify gaps and areas for improvement. Set clear goals that align with your long-term vision for success.

Number of sessions:

Phase 2: Personalized skill development plan

Develop a tailored skill development plan, focusing on areas and skills critical to career/business growth. There will be accountability check-in through all the sessions during the 90 days program. Regular progress tracking will ensure you stay on course and make any necessary adjustments as needed.

Number of sessions:

Phase 3: Strategic action and Execution

A well-crafted strategic plan is a foundational element of success

Number of sessions:

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Transforming professional careers and businesses through coaching

In the pursuit of career and business success, a transformative 90-day Performance Excellence Program serves as a catalyst for growth and much more. See the areas that will transform your professional life with the advantage of having a personal accountability partner through your journey.